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Cadet Standarization and Evaluation Team

Directory listing of NY Wing Stan-Eval files

(Office 97 format)

1992_PAFB_inspection_forms.pdf         52 Kb    Inspection form from 1992 (Superceded by NYWIS in NY wing)
1992_PAFB_inspection_forms2.pdf         8 Kb    Inspection form from 1992 (Superceded by NYWIS in NY wing)
2000_Barracks_OI.doc                   22 Kb    OI for 2000 Stan/Eval Team
2000_inspection_graphs.xls             34 Kb    2000 inspection results graphs from NY Wing
2000_inspection_results.xls            44 Kb    2000 inspection results from NY Wing
2001_barracks_OI.zip                   31 Kb    Barracks OI for 2001 encampment
2001_inspection_scores.xls             70 Kb    2001 Inspection scores by day by flight by category
2002_inspection_scores.xls             70 Kb    2002 Inspection scores data analysis
2003_SET_scores.zip                   526 Kb    2003 Inspection scores, macros OK (not a virus), also has sample memos
barracks_inspection_criteria.doc       13 Kb    Criteria for Barracks Inspection
bunk_arrangement.doc                   23 Kb    Bunk arrangement diagram
bunk_labels_memo.doc                   28 Kb    SET OIC memo to Flt CC's regarding bunk labels
drill_card_day_7.doc                   19 Kb    Sample drill card used on day 7 of 1999 NYW encampment
drill_cards.doc                        42 Kb    Drill cards from each day
drill_eval_criteria.doc                12 Kb    Criteria for performing drill evaluation
drill_movements_by_day.doc             20 Kb    Memo with drill movement list for Flt CC's by day
file_description.doc                   12 Kb    Letter from C/SET OIC to C/DCC describing the files herein
flight_roster.xls                      15 Kb    Numbers for each flight to determine who is inspected
flight_score-alpha.doc                145 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Alpha flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-blank.doc                 52 Kb    Template for Flight scoring statistics
flight_score-bravo.doc                152 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Bravo flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-charlie.doc              155 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Charlie flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-delta.doc                121 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Delta flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-echo.doc                 133 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Echo flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-foxtrot.doc              163 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Foxtrot flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-golf.doc                 242 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Golf flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-hotel.doc                233 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Hotel flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-india.doc                235 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for India flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
flight_score-juliet.doc               204 Kb    Flight scoring statistics for Juliet flight, 1999 NYW Encampment
general_knowlege.doc                   13 Kb    Gen. knowledge 1999 NYW Enc. cadets were inspected on
general_knowlege_progress.doc          12 Kb    Daily knowledge expectations for 1999
GK_progression.doc                     37 Kb    Outline of General Knowledge requirements by day for 2001
inspection_score_comparison.xls        34 Kb    Comparison between encampments using NYWIS
instructor_assignments.doc             22 Kb    Instructor list for each class to gather questions from
locker_arrangement.doc                 20 Kb    Locker inspection arrangement diagrams
locker_arrangement_bottom.doc          19 Kb    Bottom of locker inspection arrangement diagrams
OI_in_flight_cadet_inspection.doc      46 Kb    OI for the in-flight cadet inspection procedure
OI_SET.doc                            127 Kb    OI for Stan/Eval staff (Superceded by NYWIS in NY wing)
OI_stando_meeting.doc                   9 Kb    OI for SET to meet with Flight Standardization Officers (Stando)
overall_scores.doc                     50 Kb    All encampment inspection scores
PAO_articles_memo.doc                  41 Kb    SET OIC memo to Flt CCs describing scoring of PAO article submission
score_sheet_barracks_inspection.doc    13 Kb    Barracks inspection scoresheet (Superceded by NYWIS in NY wing)
score_sheet_BDU.doc                    76 Kb    Scoresheet for BDU inspections (Superceded by NYWIS in NY wing)
score_sheet_blues.doc                  12 Kb    Blues uniform inspection scoresheet (Superceded by NYWIS in NY wing)
SET_expectations_outline.doc           19 Kb    Outline of SET Expectations class
SET_memo_to_PAO.doc                    29 Kb    SET OIC memo to PAO announcing honor flight and general feedback
survey.doc                             16 Kb    Encampment satisfaction survey
uniform_inspection_scoring.doc         12 Kb    Uniform inspection scoresheet (Superceded by NYWIS in NY wing)
Here is a self-extracting zip file which contains all documents produced by the SET at the 1999 New York Wing encampment at Fort Drum: ny_staneval1999.exe

Directory listing of 2000 MN Wing Stan-Eval files

(Office 97 format)
OI_room_MN.doc                         54 Kb    OI for cadets' room arrangement and inspection readiness
MN_inspection_form.doc                 49 Kb    Inspection form for barracks and uniform

Under construction- last updated 8 Jan 06.

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