Encampment Continuity File
Commandant & Staff

This continuity file is for the Commandant, the Training Staff and Tactical Officers. Jump to:
Commandant             Training     Tactical Officer


The Commandant's materials are divided up into several categories, based on what type of information is contained within the file. All files are in IBM PC compatable format (sorry Mac users) and use Microsoft Office 97/2000 products unless otherwise stated.

Staff Selection Exercise/Staff Skills Workshop materials
leadership_workshop.zip1363 KbUPDATED 8 JUN 06- Leadership Workshop/ Staff Selection Exercise (SSE) Course materials (ppt slides/handouts), added situational leadership and group process docs
NYWG_enc_documentation.ppt323 KbHow to write Basic/Staff Evaluation, explains NYWIS and Counseling form
problem_solving_activies.zip80 KbCollection of icebreakers, problem solving activities and group leadership problems (GLP's)
1994_staff_workshop_schedule.pdf10 KbStaff Skills Workshop schedule from Camp Smith 1994
1996_Staff_Workshop_Feedback_Results.doc29 KbFeedback results
1997_staff_workshop_results.doc17 KbStaff Workshop survey results from 1997
1998_staff_workshop_schedule.xls20 KbStaff Workshop schedule from 1998
1999_Staff_workshop_schedule.xls24 KbStaff Workshop schedule from 1999
2001_SSE_schedule.xls24 KbStaff Selection Exercise (SSE) schedule from 2001
2001_SSW_schedule.xls21 KbStaff Skills Workshop (SSW) schedule from 2001
2002_SSE_schedule.xls19 KbStaff Selection Exercise (SSE) schedule from 2002
2002_SSW_schedule.xls30 KbStaff Skills Workshop (SSW) schedule from 2002
2002_SSW_eval_results.doc67 KbStaff Workshop survey results from 2002 (incl. questions)
cadet_cc_app_reject_letter.doc46 KbSample rejection letter sent to a Cadet Commander applicant
2001_staff_position_congrats.doc44 KbSample acceptance letter sent to a cadet selected for staff
2001_staff_position_alternate.doc63 KbSample letter sent to a cadet selected as a staff alternate
Staff_workshop_leadership_task.doc23 KbDescription of the leadership task performed at the staff workshop (used since 1990)

Encampment planning materials
2001_NYW_encampment_goals.doc26 KbGoals for 2001 NYWG encampment
2002_encampment_goals.ppt63 KbGoals for 2002 NYWG encampment
1998_cdt_staff_org.opx26 KbOrg chart for 1998 Cadet Staff
1998_pt_schedule_fort_drum.xls20 KbPT schedule/plan for 1998 encampment
1998_staff_position_congrats.doc42 KbCongratulatory letter for staff applicants that were selected
1998_to_do_list_by_staff_general.doc16 KbA general to-do list for several staff departments before 1998 encampment
1999_Fort_Drum_Information_Booklet.doc340 KbInformation booklet (addresses, directions, packing list) for 1999 NYW Encampment
1999_squadron2_goals.doc29 KbGoals for Squadron 2 commander in 1999
Barb_tips_for_1999_drum.rtf24 KbSuggestions given by a NYWG member for improving the 1999 encampment
Cadet_XO_notes_to_exec_staff.doc98 KbCadet XO's to-do list given to each exec staff member
encampment_intro_letter.doc45 KbIntroductory letter for the encampment
FCHB_briefing.ppt43 KbFlight CC's Handbook Briefing (PowerPoint)
Pre-encampment_task_list.xls31 KbList of other tasks that were needed pre-encampment

General- documents, memos, handouts used during encampment
1998_staff_contract.doc19 KbStaff contract for 1998 NYW encampment (from NETM)
1991encampment_eval.pdf11 KbEncampment Evaluation form from 1991
1992_laundry_schedule_memo.pdf15 KbMemo detailing the encampment laundry schedule
1998_survey_results.doc42 KbEncampment satisfaction survey results from NYW 1998 encampment
1998_survey_results_2.doc39 KbEncampment satisfaction survey results (pt. 2) from NYW 1998 encampment
1999_encampment_survey.doc22 KbEncampment satisfaction survey that was handed out for NYW 1999 encampment
1999_mid_encampment_task_list.xls22 KbList of other tasks needed during the encampment
Basic_Cadet_pre_test.doc70 KbMN Wing Basic Cadet start-of-encampment test
Basic_Cadet_post_test.doc70 KbMN Wing Basic Cadet end-of-encampment test
ETM_supplement_2000-01.doc59 KbMN Wing ETM supplement outlining more specific graduation criteria
ETM_attachement14-cadet_contract.doc45 KbCadet contract pulled from NETM (proposed CAP Pamphlet)
ETM_attachement26-cdt_staff_contract.doc 53 KbCadet staff contract pulled from NETM (proposed CAP Pamphlet)
in_flight_position_tracking_sheet.doc20 KbSheet to track the cadets assigned to in-flight positions
commandants_commendation.doc24 KbCommandant's Commendation award, given out by COC, like merits
one_min_goal_setting_template.doc20 KbTemplate for filling out a one-minute goal
one_minute_goal_for_CC.doc22 KbExample one-minute goal given to Cadet Commander

Operating Instructions for cadet staffs
(also appears on individual staff's pages in continuity folder) and various special procedures
OI_CC.doc25 KbOI for Cadet Commander
OI_DCC.doc22 KbOI for Cadet Deputy Commander (updated 2006)
OI_XO.doc25 KbOI for Cadet Executive Officer
OI_admin.doc31 KbOI for Administration
OI_comm.doc46 KbOI for Communications (2001, Standard format)
OI_communications.doc25 KbOI for Communications (1999, non-standard format)
OI_contraband.doc28 KbOI for Staff Contraband
OI_emergency.doc34 KbOI for Fire Drills/Evacuations
OI_flight_projects.doc34 KbOI for Flight Projects
OI_flight_project2002.doc7 Kb2002 OI for Flight Projects
OI_in_flight_cadet.doc57 KbOI for in-flight cadets (NYWIS supercedes this for NYWG)
OI_logistics.doc56 KbOI for Logistics
OI_med_1999.doc37 KbOI for Medical (1999, non-standard format)
OI_med_2001.doc37 KbOI for Medical (2001, standard format)
OI_PAO.doc34 KbOI for Public Affairs
OI_room_MN.doc54 KbOI for in-flight cadet's room arrangement
OI_SET.doc127 KbOI for Stan/Eval staff
OI_squadron_cc.doc24 KbOI for Squadron CC
OI_stando_meeting.doc7 KbOI for Stan/Eval meeting with Flight Standardization Officers (Standos)
OI_schedule_change_notification.doc20 KbOI for notification procedure when training schedule changes
1998_Vball_OI.doc20 KbOI for Volleball tournament

Handy images for training/cadet materials
blouse.jpg6 KbFemale overblouse cutout placement
femalecut.jpg41 KbFemale haircut
flightcap-female.jpg4 KbFlight cap insignia placement for Females
flightcap.jpg5 KbFlight cap insignia placement for Males
individual_diagrams.jpg180 KbSample encampment individual items arrangement in room
insignia.jpg13 KbInsignia placement for males
male_haircut.jpg41 KbMale haircut
room1.jpg105 KbSample encampment room layout
shirts.jpg20 KbRibbon placement for all blues shirts
shirts2.jpg18 KbNameplate placement for all blues shirts
shirts3.jpg33 KbSpecialty badge placement for all shirts
sleeve.jpg3 KbWing patch placement


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Comments about training from Capt. Andrew Welsh, NYW 1999 Encampment Training Officer
2003 Training Schedule Analysis from Capt. Andrew Welsh, NYWG 2003 Encampment Training Officer (contains unofficial editorial) (MS Powerpoint format, 81 KB)

Materials from NYWG Encampment Training Staffs:

active_passive.doc76 KbWriting skills- Active/Passive voice training
Aerospace_1.ppt243 KbAerospace 1 PowerPoint classroom presentation by C/Maj. Christopher Greves
Aerospace_2_handout.doc39 KbHandout given for Aerospace 2 class
Aerospace_I.doc21 KbThe Aerospace 1 instructor notes
CAP_Activities.doc42 KbNote sent to base contact to roughly outline base-dependent activities
Cadet_Info.doc22 KbStan/Eval Class outline for general knowledge class
class_outline_template.doc19 KbOld class outline template- for staff to plan classes
Class_Eval_Form.doc22 KbTemplate used for classroom instruction evaluation
Drill_team_roster.doc19 KbColor Guard roster (TRNG ran color guard)
FD1999_Activity_Request_letter.doc31 KbLetter sent to base coordinator asking for stuff
FOC.doc33 KbForms of communication class outline (NCO academy)
OI_flight_projects.doc43 KbOI for flight projects
OI_flight_project2002.doc7 Kb2002 OI for flight projects
Instructors_for_Sun_11_July.xls14 KbSchedule, by instructor, for one day
Lesson_Plan_form.doc37 Kb(NYWG Current) Template for Training's class outlines
lesson_plan-cp_opps.doc30 KbCadet Programs - Opportunities lesson plan
lesson_plan-guidon.doc37 KbCapt Welsh's Guidon Class lesson plan
lesson_plan-uniform.doc26 KbOutline for annual uniform class
lesson_plan-USAF_aviation_opps.doc25 KbOutline for USAF Aviation Opportunities class
military_orgainization.zip2059 KbPackage of classes on DoD, USAF organization
nco_academy.zip115 KbContains all NCO academy course outlines
NCO_Academy_Curriculum-new.txt1 KbPlanned NCO academy courses and instructors
NCO_Academy_Curriculum.txt1 KbInitial planned NCO academy courses and content
NYWFD_1999_schedule-12_flight.xls54 KbShchedule draft in case NY had 12 flts instead of 10
NYWFD_1999_schedule.xls178 Kb1999 NYWG Training Schedule- has actual NCO academy curriculum
NYWFD_2000_schedule.xls200 Kb2000 NYWG Training Schedule
NYWFD_2001_schedule.xls136 Kb2001 NYWG Training Schedule (Color coded by CAPR 52-16 requirements)
NYWFD_2002_schedule.xls137 Kb2002 NYWG Training Schedule (Color coded by CAPR 52-16 requirements)
NYWFD_2003_schedule.xls131 Kb2003 NYWG Training Schedule (Macros are safe!!)
NYWSANGB_2005_schedule.xls147 Kb2005 NYWG Training Schedule
OI_schedule_change_notification.doc55 KbOI for notification procedure of schedule changes
Operation_Clean_Sweep.doc55 KbTop secret class outline
Outline_Template.doc19 KbAlternate class outline template (not as good as other)
ROA_comm_training.ppt467 KbROA / Communications training (Offical CAP slides)
rocket_kit_orders.doc37 KbOrder letter sent to local rocket kit supplier in NYC
rocketry_at_encampment.doc75 KbModel Rocketry Program at encampment
rocketry_certificate.pdf95 KbModel Rocketry Certificate, tailored for NYWG Encampment

MN Wing training materials

(thanks to Maj. Todd Mandel for contributing)

MN_block_schedule.doc44 Kb1999 Encampment Schedule
MN_block_schedule_2000.xls67 Kb2000 Encampment Schedule
MN_schedule_reqts.xls21 KbCheck to see if requirements were met for 1999 Encampment

Tactical Officers (TAC)

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MN_TACHB.doc276 KbTactical Officer's Handbook, published by MN Wing

Under construction- last updated 26 APR 2007.

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