ONTARIO, CA (27-Feb-99 ) - California Wing Cadet Programs is making plans for this year's Cadet Summer Encampment to be the highest attended and best executed encampment in it's 25 year history. Since it's inception in 1975, California Wing's Cadet Training Group has been setting the standard for high quality CAP encampments graduating well over 6000 cadets into it's ranks. This year, The Cadet Training Group will host the 86th, 87th and 88th Cadet Training Squadrons.
Lt. Col. Jim Jenkins, CAP, an encampment veteran, and Commander of the 1996 CAWG Cadet Summer Encampment has been assigned the task of Encampment Commander for the 1999 Cadet Summer Encampment. Assisted by an accomplished Senior Staff, Lt. Col. Jenkins will lead the fourth consecutive CAWG encampment held at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA on California's sunny central coast. Lt. Col. Ned Lee, CAP, Director of Cadet Programs for CAWG will serve as Deputy Commander and Major Bernard Wilson, CAP, a previous Encampment Commander himself, has accepted the position of Commandant of Cadets, and has already selected part of the Cadet Staff.
C / Lt. Col. Laura Parsons, tapped as Commander, The Cadet Training Group for 1999 will be joined by C/ Capt Brian Donnelly, Executive Officer for The Cadet Training Group and C/ CMSgt Richard Olsen as Sergeant Major of The Cadet Training Group. Cadet Training Squadron Commanders have been announced as C/ Capt Kevin Johnston, 86th CTS, C/ Capt Josef Gassmann, 87th CTS, and C/ Capt Joshua Assayag, 88th CTS.
Dates for Encampment 99 have been set as 7-15 August 1999, with Graduation of The Cadet Training Group on Sunday 15 August. Responding to the school conflicts experienced by some cadets with last year's dates, Encampment 99 has been moved to early August, clearing the way for the largest Basic Cadet population at encampment in recent memory.
Cadets attending Encampment 99 will again will be living in the first-class barracks facilities at Camp San Luis Obispo, CA (CSLO) and will be participating in the dynamic summer encampment program that has been the highlight of the CAP Cadet Program since 1975. Activities this year will include:
A Basic Encampment is required for CAP Cadets to complete Phase II of the Cadet Program and receive the coveted Billy Mitchell Award and cadet officer status. All eligible cadets should attend encampment to avoid any delays in promotion and to learn valuable skills needed in both CAP and life. Encampment in The Cadet Training Group is fun and exciting, full of hard work both physically and mentally.
Cadets interested in attending Encampment 99 should apply today with a CAP Form 31 (Nov96) and a check or money order for $150.00 to:
California Wing, CAP/CP
Attn: Encampment 99
P.O. Box 9117
Ontario, CA 91762-9117
Applications must be postmarked by 1 July 1999 to be considered for attendance. Applications that arrive after this date will be returned unprocessed. With the explosive growth in the CAWG Cadet program, there are far more cadets who need encampment than slots available. Acceptance will be on a first come first served basis, so early application is essential. Eligibility to attend encampment is:
Information packets will be mailed to all cadets accepted and applicants can check our website for their names to appear when selected. Cancellation is subject to a $15.00 administrative fee.
Senior Members are needed and encouraged to apply for staff.. Many Headquarters positions are also needed. This year we will have a high-tech network of CAP computers in Headquarters helping to administer the encampment. Seniors interested in applying as a Tactical Officer should contact Major Wilson. Seniors interested in Headquarters staff should contact Captain Michael Kathriner, the Encampment Executive Officer.
Major Wilson can be reached via:
Captain Kathriner can be reached via
For more information on Encampment 99, please call 1-800-5-CADETS or visit our web site at www.cawgcadets.org
Email at: enc99@cawgcadets.org