1. Purpose. The purpose of the encampment staff workshop is to select and train the staff for each encampment. This chapter is offered as a suggested guideline. Encampment commanders may modify this to fit the needs of a specific encampment.
    2. Guidelines.
      1. The staff workshop should be 1-3 days in length, conducted one month before the encampment, or immediately preceding the arrival of the in-flight cadets. In the case of the weekend workshop a month before, the host wing’s Cadet Programs Officer should coordinate the event. The cadet commander, executive officer, and deputy cadet commander should be chosen before the workshop. Conducting the workshop at the encampment site tends to help familiarize the staff more, although that is not required. Staff selection may occur over a 1-2 day period of vigorous selection and training procedures.
      2. Flight and squadron staff ("Line staff") applicants will be evaluated in the following areas:
        1. Drill & Ceremonies
        2. Oral Communications
        3. Encampment Skills
        4. Wear of the Uniform
        5. Basic CAP Knowledge

      3. Executive staff applicants will be evaluated in the following areas:
        1. Encampment experience
        2. Knowledge of position applying for
        3. Willingness to perform duties
        4. Level of interest in duties
        5. Plans and ideas about duties
        6. Related situational problem solving

    3. Selection Environment. The line staff selection shall be administered professionally. Harassment and undue stress will not be tolerated. Evaluators will demonstrate the professional demeanor expected of staff members. Experience has shown that successful applicants display a disciplined bearing and mature attitude throughout the evaluation.
      1. Conduct. The executive staff selection will occur through interviews and instructional briefings about each department’s duties.
      2. ATG. Keeping chapter 3 in mind, the expectations and skills phases are covered during the staff workshop. This is also an excellent time for seniors to provide feedback to cadets on their performance without embarrassing them in front of the in-flight cadets.
      3. Mentoring. The mentoring process begins at the staff workshop. If the senior mentor is available, they will offer their experience and knowledge in aiding the cadet to begin their work. All staff positions require proper planning and preparation, and the seniors are there to help the cadets do that. See Chapter 11 for more details about mentoring.

    4. Evaluation Procedures.
      1. Line staff applicants. The applicant’s proficiency in drill of the flight, PT procedures, command presence, encampment skills and knowledge will be evaluated by a team consisting of a minimum of two qualified CAP members.
        1. Drill: This team will observe applicants during practical exercises on the parade ground. Applicants will be evaluated in the following areas using the standardized form.

The evaluation team leader, as a minimum, will be present at the final evaluation meeting.

        1. Encampment Skills: Initially, each line applicant receives encampment skills refresher training. Thereafter, in a structured practical exercise, the applicants should be evaluated in these skills. Using the standard evaluation form, the cadet command staff and senior command staff will asses each applicant’s ability to implement the portion of the cadet Operating Instruction (OI) relating to barracks arrangement and general house keeping. During this exercise, the evaluation team will note occurrences of:

The evaluation team leader should be the cadet commander. The cadet applicants can also be evaluated on their ability to implement the in-flight positions. How creatively they use them, how well they follow the ATG (Chapter 4) and how much they know about it is an indicator of leadership ability.

        1. Written Knowledge Exam: Each line applicant will complete a written exam designed to access the applicant’s knowledge of relevant portions of:

The scores of this exam will be available at the Final Evaluation Meeting.

        1. Executive Staff Applicants. The executive staff applicants will be orally interviewed for the position they are primarily interested in, and also what the command staff feels they should be assigned to. Criteria in 8-2 will be used. Once initially assigned, each applicant will attend briefings on job duties and expectations by the Cadet Executive Officer (XO). Afterwards, work will begin with planning and preparation for the encampment, coordinating with their senior mentors, if available. The OIC applicants should be interviewed in a separate process. If one cannot be found, observe their activity during the working time to determine who is best equipped to lead the group.
        2. Uniform Wear. All applicants, line or executive, will be evaluated upon their appearance and wear of their blues and utility uniforms (BDU). The inspector will use the standard rating form. The compilation forms will be available at the final evaluation meeting.
        3. Oral Interview Board. The board will consist of a combination of cadet and senior evaluators who will interview each applicant. Applicants will be questioned concerning:
          1. Job Preference
          2. Encampment Preparation
          3. Qualifications

During the interview, applicants will be evaluated on bearing, image, maturity level, communications skills, and general CAP knowledge. The evaluation team leader, at the minimum, will be present at the final evaluation meeting.

    1. Final Evaluation Meeting. At the conclusion of the evaluation outlined in the section, the evaluators will assemble for the final evaluation meeting. The objective scores from each area will be tallied and applicants will be placed in ranked order for the desired position. Additional considerations might include, but are not limited to, personnel compatibility and encampment needs. Only evaluation team leaders may raise an objection to the rank ordering and must justify removing an applicant from an assigned list. This is also an appropriate time for the Senior staff to match Tactical Officers to flight staffs.
    2. Results. The Cadet Commander will announce the final version of the cadet staff roster as soon as possible after the final evaluation/selection meeting.
    3. Post-Selection Training. At the conclusion of the selection portion of the exercise, the complete Cadet and Senior staffs will complete classes in:
        1. Encampment Model
        2. Executive staff position roles and responsibilities
        3. Encampment objectives
        4. Encampment specific training procedures
        5. Cadet Protection Policy
        6. Health & Safety

Instruction will be conducted at the direction of the Commandant of Cadets.



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