1. General. In the final analysis, it is the staff of the cadet wing that will determine the success of an encampment. As such, it is important that all staff members maintain and display a positive constructive attitude in carrying out their assigned duties and responsibilities. This attitude should form the foundation for every decision made and every action taken by a staff member.
      1. All staff members will maintain an exemplary level of dignity, self-discipline, and military bearing at all times.
      2. All staff members have the extra responsibility to set an outstanding example for the cadets. Their quarters, uniforms, personal grooming, hygiene, customs and courtesies, their attitude must meet or exceed encampment standards at all times.
      3. All staff members other than the cadet’s immediate superiors will not to interfere with a cadet’s performance of his duties, except in cases of possible injury or violation of regulations. Exceptions are in order when the infraction is of an immediate nature, such as failure to salute. Good judgment is necessary by all staff members. All violations and infractions not of an immediate nature should be referred to the chain of command.
      4. All CAP personnel share the responsibility to ensure that the property of Civil Air Patrol and the host facility is respected, properly maintained and accounted for. Items that are broken or appear in substandard repair, should be reported to the Tactical Officer and the Headquarters as soon as possible.

    2. Dining Hall.
      1. Members of the staff may not arbitrarily cut into the dining hall line. When it is necessary in the performance of one’s duty to cut into the line, it shall be done only between flights. The courtesy is for cadet staff (except flight staff and TACs) to eat last after all the flights have gone through.
      2. Cadets are not to be disturbed by staff members while eating their meals. The Wing and Squadron First Sergeants are responsible for supervising cadets in the dining hall and will enforce the dining hall procedures. No general knowledge will be recited. The dining facility is not a social hall.

    3. Quarters. Executive and line staff shall maintain their quarters in inspection order at all times so as to set the example for the basic cadets. Doors are to be left open during standard duty hours (unless changing). When occupying any room with a member of the opposite sex, the doors will remain open at all time. Cadet command staff and the COC will perform spot checks of staff barracks to ensure compliance.
    4. Cadet Staff Personal Time. At least one half hour per night will be scheduled as staff personal time. Staff members may do the same things basic cadets do during that time. It is not to be used for organized training, meetings or classes. Staff members may go to bed, read, iron uniforms or anything else they want to do (without breaking any rules or disturbing already asleep cadets) in order to be ready to go the following morning.
    5. Sleeping. Cadet Staff members will sleep starting at staff lights out, and ending at the earliest 20 minutes before reveille. Staff should also get a minimum of six (6) hours of sleep. The ONLY exception to this rule is a building evacuation or similar emergency. Naps are to be approved by the senior staff and are not a right, but a privilege.
    6. Private Vehicles. Cadet Staff members will park their vehicles in the designated parking areas. See 1-12 for more information.
    7. Responsibility. Cadet Staff members will notify the appropriate Senior Member in the following instances:
      1. If you need to leave the encampment area.
      2. If the flight is leaving the encampment area for a tour, class, or any other reason.
      3. If you or any cadet injures themselves.

    8. Behavior.
      1. Integrity. Cadet Staff will adhere to the Cadet Honor Code, and Cadet Protection Policy at all times. Noncompliance will result in expulsion from encampment and possible termination from CAP.
      2. Fraternization.
        1. Description. Fraternization in a nutshell is defined as "undue familiarization." It contradicts "good order and discipline" because it is destructive. Fraternization doesn’t necessarily imply a male-female relationship, either. A female group commander who is "chummy" with a female flight commander (especially under their supervision) is potentially guilty of fraternization- the "undue familiarization." When the supervisor or staff member and cadet become too friendly, even the perception that "playing favorites" is occurring is destructive to unit morale. Although relations between officer and enlisted are the only legally liable ones in the military, the concept is extended at encampments. Male-female relationships, (of boyfriend-girlfriend nature) on any level, are contrary to good order, because the individuals will ALWAYS concentrate on one another, or how they are going to "beat the system", or sneak around, instead of doing their jobs at one point or another. It is VITALLY important for cadet staff to "police" themselves with this matter, since cadet staff are historically the worst offenders at encampment (because of their freedom). Don’t think that two squadron commanders fraternizing "won’t affect cadets because we’re on the same level." If a cadet simply cannot keep themselves from talking to a cadet of opposite sex, then they can use either the mail call, or wait until a cadet social function, when it is appropriate for them to talk (on an unofficial level.)
        2. Cadet staff "policing" themselves is of utmost importance. Although seniors will supervise for fraternization, other cadets are aware of it before seniors because the offending parties will go where there aren’t any seniors. This is a matter of personal integrity. Knowing someone is breaking the rules, but tolerating it, shows poor personal integrity. Thinking that it is "OK" because "I don’t want to rat on my friends" makes allowing your friends to break the rules more important than accomplishing the mission of the encampment. The bottom line is for each person at the encampment to have some self-control. Find "opportunities" elsewhere, or at least after, because it is not appropriate at encampment.

      3. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs. The use of alcohol, tobacco, or unauthorized controlled substances by staff is prohibited. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in immediate dismissal from the encampment.
      4. Unsafe/Inappropriate Orders. If a cadet receives an order or directive from another CAP member that is perceived illegal, inappropriate, unsafe, or creates potential liability for the CAP, the staff member receiving the order will bring that order or directive to the attention of the issuing member’s superior.




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