TO JAMES WADSWORTH ARMORY, ROCHESTER: To get to the armory, take 590 North to Rte 104 west. Take the second exit to the armory from Rte 104 west (Goodman Ave) and turn left at the exit ramp. Follow Goodman Ave south under the highway, and past the cemetery on the immediate right. The next building on the right is the armory. There is a flagpole in front. To get to 590 from East of Rochester (Canandaigua and east) take the NYS Thruway I-90 to I-495 Victor exit. Follow I-490 West to 590 North. From all other areas (east or south) take I-90 to I-390 North (or take I-390 north) to I-590 North. Follow I-590 North and continue as above.