2002 NY Wing Drill Team Pictures
Northeast Region Cadet Competition

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Since the Demons lead the way...

...All you can do is follow.

Demon drill team won first place in all events at the 2002 NER Competition

Pictures of arrival and preparation:

Cadets and seniors alike enjoy the Newport Naval Station breakfast

Marching in the hall; preparing the uniforms (click on pictures for bigger view)

The drill competition:

Pennsylvania Wing marches out for inspection

New York on the ready line for inspection

On the inspection pad (click on picture for bigger view)

Panel Quiz, Mile run, volleyball:


Cadet 2/Lt Kubera Accepts the 1st place NER Cadet Drill Team Competition trophy
Posing with him is the NER Commander and the NER Liason Office Director

Cadet Kubera accepts the coveted NER guidon with the 13 NCC Champion streamers

Relaxing after a hard day's work (click on picture for bigger view)

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