NY Wing 2001 Encampment
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Encampment Staff Resources
(link to other site, for staff only)

"Continuing the Tradition of Excellence"

All cadet Officer In Charge's and Squadron Commanders will write an OI.  The DCC and XO may write an OI, but it is not required.

All cadet staff will read the encampment staff OI, linked below, which applies to all cadet staff.  The encampment staff OI also serves as an example of how an OI should look.

Check the encampment staff resources link to the left, under the continuity file for any pre-existing OI's that may have been written for your position.  If an OI pre-exists and you wish to use it, copy it into the new format.

The template provides instructions on how to write an OI, and those instructions should be deleted when writing the OI.  Basically, the OI serves as a method for writing down your staff duties that are not listed in the ETM, and any policies or procedures you want to implement that affect other staffs or how other staffs work with yours.  Be sure to edit the header of the page to reflect your staff position and name.

The MS Word document template will be used by all OI authors, so they can be stored on the online continuity file.

The OI should be mailed to Capt Welsh (val_n_andy@hotmail.com) once it has been reviewed by the supervisor.

Click here for the OI template in Word 97 Format

Click here for the Encampment Staff OI in Word 97 format
(Macintosh users need to convert from PC format to Macintosh format)


(all documents in Word 97 Format for the IBM-compatable PC)

This page last updated 15 Jul 01
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