The Encampment History and FAQ Page. History of encampments, as well as a general outline of what an encampment is, and commonly asked questions for parents and attending members.
If you have any questions, or suggestions, feel free to email the webmaster (linked below).
Encampment History
Read Chapter 1 of the Encampment Training Manual to read about the history of encampments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Encampment?
A: Encampment is a week to two week long activity where CAP cadets are brought into an intense, exciting and interactive activity, focusing on self-discipline, leadership, time management and stress management. Cadets attending for the first time are placed in a group (called a flight) with approximately 14 other cadets, of ages ranging anywhere from 11 to 17, with the majority being in the 13-15 year old range. Cadets eat, sleep, exercise and attend classes and activities all day every day while at encampment with their flight. The cadets learn to work together as a team in a challenging environment, exercising their time management, leadership, followership, stress coping, interpersonal, speaking, writing, academic and physical skills.
Q: What activities will happen while at encampment?
A: Depending on where the encampment is held, activities can range from orientation flights aboard CAP aircraft, Military Aircraft flights (such as helicopters, cargo or tanker aircraft), various military demonstrations (K-9 unit, fire department, security police, firing range, etc.), and many others. The New York Wing encampment has several exciting activities for 1999, including orientation flights aboard CAP aircraft, and a chance at the Fort Drum obstacle course, as well the mysterious "Mission: CAS".
Q: How do I get there, sign up, or contact the encampment; what do I bring?
A: Cadets applying through their wings should fill out the appropriate paperwork. Contact your squadron commander for information that should come from each wing's headquarters. When the paperwork is turned in, cadets will receive in the mail before arriving a list of what to bring, phone numbers to contact the encampment in emergencies, and directions to the encampment site with reporting in and pick up times.
Q: What will encampment do for my son/daughter?
A: Encampment will be a growth experience for each cadet. Even though some may not realize it right away, everyone benefits and can learn from attending encampments. Cadets often return for their third, fourth, fifth or more encampments to serve on the cadet staff, which does most of the training and background work of the encampment. Senior members are there as a backbone for the cadet staff, as well as the first time attendees, and offer guidance and help when the cadets need it. Your son or daughter will return with better self-discipline, pride in themselves and their accomplishments, and (hopefully) a renewed interest in the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. Encampment can be an extremely rewarding experience for your son or daughter. The fact that many return the next year asking to be a part of the encampment again is evidence that it is rewarding for many.
More questions and answers to come!