15 Jan 2004
MEMORANDUM FOR Grp CC Grp CP FROM: NYWG/CP SUBJECT: Cadet of the Year (COY) 2004 Application Procedure 1. The NY Wing COY review boards will be conducted on 07 Feb 04, starting at 1000, location MEG HQ. The cadets from LIG and WNY will be interviewed after 1300 hours to allow for travel time, and cadets from all other groups will be interviewed starting at 1000 hours. Cadets that cannot attend in person for extreme extenuating circumstances may do a phone interview on 07 Feb 04. 2. In case of inclement weather, the review board will be conducted the following week on 14 Feb 04, location TBD. Groups and squadrons will be notified via email if this occurs, and cadets will be given phone calls (if all phone numbers have been filled out on the cadet resumes) 3. Groups are expected to conduct their COY review boards between mid-December, with applications to be sent to NYW HQ/CP, postmarked by 31 Jan 04. It would be appreciated if groups forwarded just the names to me (msprissy@optonline.net) ahead of the application package, but this is not required. Groups may conduct their group COY review boards in any manner they choose. 4. If there are any questions, feel free to contact me at (631) 234-2862 (H) or msprissy@optonline.net. FOR THE COMMANDER, //signed// Phyllis T. Pruitt, Capt, CAP NYW Director of Cadet Programs Attachments: 1 - Blank CAPF 58 2 - Blank Cadet Resume form