05 Feb 2001
MEMORANDUM FOR Grp CC Grp CP Cadet or Composite Sq CC NCSA Applicants FROM: NYWG/CP 817 Stewart Avenue (Rear) Garden City, NY 11530-4856 SUBJECT: NYW NCSA Results 1. Congratulations! Your application for National Cadet Special Activities (NCSA) has been approved by New York Wing Headquarters and has been forwarded to National Headquarters for consideration. 2. The list below reflects your ranking order for the wing selection. As you may already know, National Headquarters pays close attention to the ranking order when selecting cadets for all applied activities. Essentially, if you have a high ranking order and applied for three (3) activities, the chances that you will be accepted are much higher than those at the end of the ranking. Cadets that fell towards the end of the ranking order may experience being accepted to one (1) activity or accepted to different a location then what was chosen. 3. A full report will be forwarded to your group headquarters which will outline errors that were found on your application. These errors are reported to your group for feedback and discussion with your unit commander. In some cases, cadets were not accepted for any NCSA (who's names will not appear on the list below) due to the number of errors found on the application. Application errors had a high impact on the rank order given. 4. Cadets that did not list an e-mail address on the application will receive a letter by mail. 5. PLEASE NOTE: THIS LETTER IS NOT AN ACCEPTANCE LETTER FOR ANY NATIONAL CADET SPECIAL ACTIVITY. HENRY GRULLON, MAJOR, CAP Director of Cadet Program New York Wing ACCEPTANCE LIST & RANK ORDER Rank Unit Name 1 402 Christner, Kevin 2 173 Busch, Brian 3 117 Hirsch, Mike 4 117 Fenech, Louis 5 273 Cucchiara, Adam 6 408 Reynolds, Cory 7 273 Mayer, Matthew 8 117 Albright, Frederick 9 402 Frentz, John 10 273 Rocco, Anthony 11 072 Neville, Jennifer 12 392 Strock, Rebekah 13 392 Martin, Alec 14 212 Waggoner, Sarah 15 030 Gavin, Sean 16 135 Kieloch, Michael 17 020 Jaromin, Robert 19 212 Radcliffe, Jeffrey 18 173 Kipp, Elliott 20 402 Gregory, Benjamin 21 135 Reed, Megan 22 394 Fox, Stephen 24 135 Eidt, Matthew 23 273 Georgia, Joseph 25 116 Stark, James 26 116 Ganczewski, Steven 28 273 Sherer, Alex 27 408 Hasard, Thomas 30 173 Allen, Elliott 31 162 Engle, Nicholas 32 116 Murray, Robynn 33 392 Sullivan, Patrick 35 072 Van Hise, A 34 173 Busch, Mark 36 292 Groff, H 37 020 Van DeWater, Scott 38 273 Tascione, Andrew 39 273 Herring, Matthew 41 292 Treiman, Andrew 40 030 Rahon, Jill 42 273 McIntyre, Paul 43 273 Day, William 44 273 Garigen, Matthew 45 159 Stamatinos, Gustin 46 147 Cuaton, Alroy 47 219 Dolce, Paul 48 219 Dolce, Joseph 50 147 Lee, Rosanna 49 159 Taylor, Michael 51 311 Spinner, Adam 52 072 Neville, James 53 238 Kopcsay, James 54 219 Kretschman, Rob