02 Apr 2000
MEMORANDUM FOR ALL PERSONNEL (please cascade) FROM: NYWG/CPAN 817 Stewart Avenue (Rear) Garden City, NY 11530-4856 SUBJECT: Certified Mail at Wing HQ 1. Wing HQ has been receiving certified mail from personnel. When certified mail is delivered, a person is required to sign for it. If no one is there to sign for it, the mail is held at the post office. Wing HQ is generally only occupied on Tuesday evenings. Because of this, when members send certified mail to Wing HQ, it creates a lot of additional work for those at Wing HQ. 2. Please do not send mail to Wing HQ via certified mail. Doing so will unnecessarily delay in your package's arrival at HQ, and generate extra work for another fellow volunteer. 3. If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this email. Please cascade this information down to the units.