04 Apr 2000
MEMORANDUM FOR ALL PERSONNEL (please cascade) FROM: NYWG/CPAN 817 Stewart Avenue (Rear) Garden City, NY 11530-4856 SUBJECT: Leaderhsip Workshop Information 1. The Leadership Workshop, scehduled for April 15th from 0900-1700 is being conducted in 3 locations: the Goodman Street Armory in Rochester NY (Blackbird squadron meeting place), NY Wing Headquarters and in the Albany area (exact location not yet confirmed). The Points of Contact (POC) for Rochester is myself, Capt. Eric Gilmour (gilmour@mediaone.net) for the Albany area, and Lt. Joe Winter (winterj@cap.usaf.org) for the NYC/LI area. 2. Sign in is from 0900-1000. Cadets and seniors should bring *signed* CAPF 31's in their hands with $10 in cash or a check to NY Wing. If you mailed in your CAPF 31, you are OK. Snacks will be provided in the morning (donuts, milk, OJ etc) and lunch at noontime. 3. All cadets are welcome to attend the activity. The curriculum is a series of hands-on, interactive and classroom leadership courses designed for Cadet NCO's and Cadet officers. Seniors are also welcome to attend to gain more perspective on the cadet program, as well as learn. Cadets will be able to take home some applicable skills to the squadron meeting. The curriculum will also enhance the knowledge of a cadet applying for staff at encampment. 4. Directions to each site, and this letter, will be posted on the NY Wing Cadet Programs webpage at http://newyorkwing.webjump.com/ If you have any questions, feel free to email the point of contact for each workshop location. Andrew J. Welsh, Capt., CAP NYW Ast. Dir. of Cadet Prog., North Dist: Group CC's Group CP's Cascade to local units Cascade to HF net