22 Apr 2000
MEMORANDUM FOR ALL NYWG CADETS FROM: NYWG/CPAN SUBJECT: Uniforms from National Headquarters 1. There is some information from National Headquarters that should be shared with all cadets. This message comes from Lt Col Robert Smith, Director of Cadet Programs, Curriculum development: "We regret that we can only provide uniforms this time for cadets who join between 1 April and 31 August 2000 (or until the money runs out). With 12,000 to 14,000 new youth joining CAP each year and a cost per cadet of $95, it becomes clear that we only have enough funds to provide about 6,000 cadets a uniform. While we have petitioned the Air Force for more money, the solution for now is to spend all $600,000 in as fair a way as possible." 2. The moral is, not all cadets who join between 1 April and 31 August 2000 will not get a uniform provided to them. However, Wing headquarters has procured many uniform items from various sources, and all kinds of items are available. 3. The uniform items- noots, shores, pants, short-sleeve shirts, raincoats, all weather coats and a few other items will be distributed evenly to each group in the wing. We have prolific numbers of female raincoats (size 26 mostly) and male short-sleeve blues shirts (sizes 13 1/2 and 14 1/2). They will be distributed at the wing conference to each group (be prepared to take some boxes back). 4. If you have any question, contact me via email. Please do not ask Cadet Programs what your group is going to get, or make specific requests, until the wing conference. This memo will also be posted on the Cadet Programs webpage (http://newyorkwing.webjump.com/). Andrew J. Welsh, Capt., CAP NYW Ast. Dir. Of Cadet Prog., North