Home of the CAP Encampment Resource Page (CAP ERP)
Last update: NYWGCadets.org features:
The NYWG Cadet programs Mailing List is a communication tool open to Cadets and Seniors that work with Cadet Programs. Cadets and Seniors will be allowed to read and post messages on this site. Contribution is important. This site does not replace the NYWG info list or the CAC Group listing. To register send an e-mail to: NYWCadets@googlegroups.com To access the site go to: http://groups.google.com/group/NYWCadets LINKS OR REFERENCES TO INDIVIDUALS OR COMPANIES DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT OF ANY INFORMATION, PRODUCT OR SERVICE YOU MAY RECEIVE FROM SUCH SOURCES. The unit responsible for this page is New York Wing.